Effective Yoga Poses for Asthma Relief – Yoga is an ancient practice used for centuries because of its proven health benefits. Yoga helps increase breath and body awareness, promotes calmness and relaxation, reduces stress, and slows the respiratory rate. All these are beneficial for people with asthma problems. While there is no scientific explanation for whether yoga helps people with asthma problems, it has been seen that engaging in yoga helps reduce stress and increase breathing, which helps improve the condition of people with asthma problems.

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As per the experts, if you feel an asthma attack is coming right, you can use the breathing awareness technique to help you calm and overcome the asthma attack. During an asthma attack, one uses all of the muscles of one’s body to breathe, which leads to tightening the muscles. So, regular yoga and stretching your back, shoulder, sides, and breathing muscles will train your body to be calm during an asthma attack. In this article, we will tell you six effective yoga poses for asthma relief, and trust me, these poses do not require any extra skill. One can efficiently perform them at home. So, let’s learn about these yoga poses to relieve asthma.

Savasana is one of the best yoga poses for asthma relief because of the breathing benefits and stress management it provides. To perform this pose, you must lie on the floor with your arms by your side, and your palms and feet drops should be opened. Now close both of your eyes and soften your jaws. Now, start focusing on your breath while breathing slowly. Try to make it rhythmic and deep. Every part of your body will go in a relaxed mode. Stay in this pose for 10-15 minutes.

Like Savasana, Sukhasana is one of the most effective yoga poses for asthma relief because of its stress management and breathing control techniques. To perform this pose, start by sitting straight with your legs crossed. Now, place your right hand on your heart while placing your left hand on your belly. Cross your eyes by drawing into your stomach and lift your chest for a good posture. Now, breathe slowly and hold on to this posture for 05-10 minutes.

This is an effective bending yoga pose for asthma relief, which helps ease breathing. And this pose focuses on your back muscles, which helps you breathe more deeply and promotes calmness. To perform this pose, stand with your legs hip-width and fold your body forward with a little bend on your knees. It will help relieve any strain from your lower back. Now fold your arms and try to hold your elbows with opposite hands. Hold your body in this pose for 05 minutes while taking a deep breath.
Seated Spinal Twist

Seated Spinal Twist is also one of the effective yoga poses for asthma relief, which targets the back, torso, and respiratory muscles — the intercostal muscles, the diaphragm, and your abdominal and neck muscles and promotes calmness. To perform this yoga pose, sit straight on the floor and place your right hand on the floor. Slowly bring your left hand to the outside of your right knee by lengthening your spine and gently twisting your torso as you move. You are now looking at your right shoulder, breathing in and out slowly. Hold one or two breaths, come to the center, and repeat on your other side.
Trikonasana – Effective Yoga Poses for Asthma Relief

This is also one of the effective yoga poses for asthma relief, which opens up the side of your body and lungs. To perform this pose, stand with your feet at hip-width apart. Now, pull in your belly for support, but ensure it should be relaxed enough that your diaphragm does all the work as you breathe. Now, put your right hand on your right hip and turn your left palm out by lifting your left hand over your head while bending slowly to your right. Breathe slowly, hold on to this pose for a couple of breaths, and then go for another side.
So these are some of the most effective yoga poses for asthma relief, which one can easily add to one’s daily routine to overcome an asthma attack and enjoy a healthy and happy life.
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