Are you planning to shed off some kilos? If so, then you might need an authentic weight loss plan. It would be best if you had a headstart plan that can optimistically tell you about the limits and boundaries you will need to respect and not cross. Without a proper weight loss plan, you will likely remain confused throughout the weight loss journey, and sometimes you can also end up putting yourself in something that can be counted as off-boundaries.

Therefore, we have designed a complete weight loss, including some basic rules and points that can guide you throughout your journey of losing kilos. The plan is not tough to follow and maintains a balanced proportion between leniency and strictness, making it utterly healthy and safe to follow.
1 Cutting Back on Refined Sugars and Carbs

We used to believe fatty food is the devil to health, yet if you want to lose weight, then the biggest villain in your weight loss plan can come out to be the ‘Refined Carbs.’ If you are looking forward to losing weight, consuming refined sugars and carbs is the wrong choice.
You can either minimize the number of refined carbs or replace them with whole grains. But we suggest you choose the latter as it is a healthier option. Consuming whole grains will help you lose weight, but it will be an excellent choice for your body, as whole foods are more nutritious and can provide one’s body with the essentials that refined foods fail to give.

And as far as sugar is concerned, you can look for refined sugar replacements. If you have low sugar levels, you can consider jaggery, but in most cases, cinnamon and stevia make an excellent alternative to refined cane sugar.
2 Counting the Calories

The utmost important rule of any weight loss plan is to count your calories at the end of the day. Counting your calories will help you stick to your goal and tell you which parts of the weight loss plan benefit your body and which additions should be avoided.
An ideal calorie-intake range for sustainable weight loss lies between 1200-1500 calories. Going too low on calories is not a healthy decision. It can prove beneficial for instant weight loss, but it will be short-termed, and there are chances that certain mineral and vitamin deficiencies might occur in your body.

The best way is to design a ‘Calorie-intake Diary’ to write and record your daily intake. It will help you better track your progress and keep your interest in your weight loss journey.
3 Eat When Hunger Strikes
Eating unnecessarily is another bad habit and comes to a restriction on this weight loss plan. Eat not for the desire, but when the hunger strikes are the ideal slogan in any weight loss plan. Eating all the time can prove as a hurdle in your weight loss.

Another point that needs attention is never to eat while using a mobile phone or watching a T.V. It is one of the worst eating habits, and dietitians always hate it. Eating this way can promote weight gain, and you can end up overeating more than your body needs to fuel the cells.
4 Never Eat Up to Your Full and Split the Meals
The next step in this weight loss plan holds sheer importance. The mistake we often make is eating up to fill our tummies and satisfy our hunger. But if you are looking forward to weight loss, you better quit this bad habit and eat up to survive. You should never eat up to your whole.

But if you love food and can’t resist it, you can also consider taking smaller portions more often instead of larger meals. Try splitting your three larger meals of a day into five but consider only half or quarter plates of food during such practice. It is scientifically proven that using frequent but smaller portions can help one to lose weight with sustainability.
5 Prefer Quality over Taste
Always look out for quality food and never sacrifice it over taste. It is an essential part of your weight loss plan that you should always check your food’s nutritional value and find if it contains any undesirable ingredients.

6 Go For Simpler, Real, and Unprocessed food
This step is the determining goal of your weight loss plan. You are unlikely to lose weight if you opt for processed food, no matter how few calories it promises. The simpler the food is, the better it will be. Counting the nutrient content and calories for whole food will be easier. And the best part about consuming whole, natural, and more straightforward foods is that all the ingredients will be visible on your plate.

Processed foods usually contain hidden additives, ingredients, calories, and fats that are usually complicated to determine, and one can never truly understand what ingredients he/she has consumed.
7 Look Out For Sustainable Balanced Diets
Diets can play a significant role when it comes to weight loss plans. Indeed, they might offer some toughness and rigidity, but opting for them can be efficient if you want precise and guaranteed results.

Thanks to the fitness world’s diversity, we have various diets. Some are very lenient but useless, while some can be very peculiar and sometimes dangerous for health. But the best ones resemble a balanced diet and offer health benefits besides weight loss. The calorie intake should not be too high or not too restricted. They should offer minimization instead of exclusion. Some of the notable mentions are:

Opting for a too-strict diet is not the right choice if you seek sustainable weight loss. But if you want instant weight loss, you can try diets like the ‘Raw Food Diet,’ which promises weight loss in pounds within a week. Remember that opting for too strict and a minimal calorie-intake diet is never a healthy choice and leaves your body with significant deficiencies.
We exclude too strict diets from our sustainable weight loss because you gain the weight back insanely once you stop practicing them. Such diets can never be adopted as a lifestyle, and even your doctor will not approve of it as it can miss out on some essential requirements for your body.

Many physicians and dieticians say the healthy and safe weight loss rate ranges from 1 to 2 pounds a week. Dramatic weight loss is neither healthy nor long-termed.
8 Intake of Green Tea
Detoxifying drinks and teas have become a significant part of any weight loss plan. But if you ask for the best detoxifying option, there would be nothing better than a cup of green tea.

Most people who have gone through dramatic weight loss have mentioned using green tea somewhere in their weight loss plan, and they swear by this detox tea. It is easy to make and works as best as any other detox drink. You can include it in your weight loss plan for faster and better results.
Besides green tea, staying hydrated and drinking at least 8-9 glasses of water a day is essential.
9 Stay Active
Indeed, your weight is mainly controlled by what you eat, but it would be a point of negligence if you completely ignore the exercise part. Staying active can, too, play a significant role in weight loss.

Thus, never leave the entire weight loss job on diet and remain active during the significant part of the day. You can go for a jog in the morning or try swimming or hiking. Anything that will keep your body in a moving state can prove to be a beneficial step.
10 Workout At Home
As mentioned earlier, exercise and staying active can significantly affect weight loss. Therefore, indulging in a workout is another great idea, and thanks to technology, this is even possible at home. You can use YouTube or sign up for a digital workout class instead of going to a gym. Doing this will not only aid in weight loss but also help to attain a desirable body shape.

For instance, you can work for a curvy body or go for the upper body exercise and tone a particular body part as you wish.
These were some of the essential points in any weight loss plan and if you liked our article, let us know in the comment section. We would love to hear from you.
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