The Immune System is the like a motor of our body. If it does not run properly, our body will also not function properly. So it is necessary to take care of your immune system. It has been said that a weakened immune system can result in at least 80 types of diseases. So it becomes severe to check on this regularly. With a weakened immune system, one can suffer from allergies, eczema, or asthma conditions.
Read Also: 5 Symptoms of Liver Disease: Understanding the Warning Signs.
If your immune system starts behaving opposite to your body for too long, it can result in an autoimmune disorder like type 1 diabetes. Or rheumatoid arthritis. Regardless of these diseases weakened immune system can also result in celiac disease, psoriasis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and psoriatic arthritis. So it would help if you always took care of the signs of weakened immunity to cope with the problem earlier without much effect. This article will discuss some symptoms of a weakened immune system you should worry about.
Cold Hands
One of the signs of a weakened immune system is cold hands. If you have inflamed blood vessels, it will be hard for some parts to be warm such as fingers, ears, toes, and nose. So in this situation, when you come into contact with the cold, your skin may turn white and blue. And once your blood flow returns to normal, your skin will turn red.
The doctor called this disease Raynaud’s phenomenon, which is caused by a weakened immune system, but there may be other reasons, such as some prescription drugs, smoking, and conditions that affect your arteries.
Bathroom Problems
As per experts, if having Diarrhea for more than two weeks, then this is a sign that you have a weakened immune system and is harming your small intestine or digestive tract. And if you are having difficulty while passing your bowel movements, there may be chances of Constipation. In this case, your immune system may force your small intestine to slow the process. There might also be other causes, such as viruses, bacteria, and other health conditions.
Dry Eyes
It has been discovered people with autoimmune disorders most chances that they have a weakened immune system. Because of this, your immune system will work against your body instead of safeguarding your body.
It has been said that people with autoimmune disorders will feel their eyes dry, sandy, and gritty, feeling like something in their eyes. And it will result in pain, a stringy discharge, redness, or blurred vision. With some people, there will be chances that they will not be able to cry even if they are upset due to this health problem.
If you are feeling tired even after getting proper sleep, then there are chances that your body is not working as it should. There may be an immune system that is working against your body. You may feel ache in your joints or muscles as well.
Mild Fever
When you are getting a high temperature than average regularly, there are chances that your immune system is overworking or not working as it should be. The reasons may be the oncoming infection, or maybe your body has started to have a flare of an autoimmune condition.
Patchy Hair Loss
It has been noted that sometimes a weakened immune system could also attack your hair follicles, and you might start losing hair from the different body parts such as the scalp, face, etc. This is called the condition of alopecia areata.
Sensitive to Sun
It has been observed that people having a weakened immune system may sometime have allergic reactions to the ultraviolet (UV) rays. After contact with the UV rays, they may get a rash, blisters, or scaly patches, an autoimmune disorder. There are also chances that you will suffer from chills, nausea, or a headache.
Tips To Boost Immune System
- Eat Well
- Maintain a Healthy Weight
- Be Physically Active
- Quit Smoking
- Get Enough Sleep
- Avoid Too Much Alcohol
So if you want to be safe from more dangerous health diseases and boost your immune system, you should start work when you first see the signs of your weakened immune system. You can reduce the immune risks with a proper diet and some exercise.