Sitting Risks – Sitting too much? Or having a job where you must sit a whole day without physical activity? Then you should know that your body is paying for this. As per studies, it has been discovered that people who are sitting more for any cause, either for watching television or spending time to complete their work on computers, if they are sitting for too long and also not engaging themself in any physical activity or exercise, there are more chances that they are facing heavy weight gain, facing diabetes like problems and also they might have to suffer from back and shoulder pain for a long time.

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As per some of the studies, it has also been discovered that there are a lot of settings risks if you sit for too long, which also include the risk of lower attention span, which means it has been finding out that people who are more in sitting work and not having any physical activity, their interest in things tends to reduce. And further, other dangerous sitting risks include cardiovascular and cancer-like deadly diseases.
Maximum Sitting Time Per Day
Here the question arises what is the longest time of sitting on the couch, or what should be the standard time to which one can sit for maximum? So we have done some research and found that one should not sit more than 7-8 hours a day and engage in some physical activities; otherwise, he may face serious sitting risks in the long run. As per an analysis done on 13 different types of studies, it has been discovered that people sitting more than 8 hours a day can die of similar risks posed by smoking or obesity.

However, today, everyone is busy with their sitting work either we talk about the students who have to complete their assignments or the working man who has to work to meet their deadlines. So how can you save yourself from the sitting risks? It would be best to read this article to the end, as we have covered some of the best and proven tips to reduce your sitting risks and save you from deadly diseases.
Remind yourself to stand up every 30 minutes.

As per a study on 8,000 people, it has been discovered that the best way to avoid the issues due to the sitting risks is to put some gap in your sitting routine. A study has been done on 8000 people who aged more than 45, and it has been found that one should put a gap between their sitting schedule. They should take a break of 5 minutes after every 30 minutes. By the break, we don’t mean they must remain sitting. They should have to stand up and do some standing work. Studies stated that sitting less than 30 minutes a row will lower the risk of death due to sitting risks.
Go for the Treadmill To Avoid Sitting Risks

If you can afford it, have a treadmill, as it will help your body stay moving. After 30 minutes of sitting, you should take a break and join your treadmill. It will help to keep moving your body and thus will make your body active and saves you from various types of Sitting risks.
Prefer Standing while watching TV or Doing Other work.

As it is not possible to work standing whole the day. But still, try to work standing as much as you can. Get some time within your sitting work and adjust for some standing work. If you have to work on a project, use a whiteboard for your rough calculations. It will help you both, and you can review your working pattern and limit your sitting schedule. And don’t just sit and watch TV or play games. Within some time, try to move your body by standing up or engaging in outdoor activities. Thus you will be able to lower your sitting risks.
Perform 30-second exercises throughout your day.

Various studies have stated that engaging your body in 30 seconds of exercise daily can help you avoid various sitting risks. So try as much as you can engage in physical exercise for 30 seconds at least. So that your body will be in motion, try to limit your sitting as much as possible. You should make a time of 30 seconds and engage yourself in the following exercise.
- Squats
- Lunges
- Burpees
- Planks
- Pushups
- Jumping Rope
- Leg Raises
The bottom line is you should limit your longer sitting time as it will lead to various dangerous health issues, including obesity, diabetes, blood clotting, cancer, and other deadly diseases. So try to engage your body in standing work as much as possible to stay healthy and live longer.