Power Nap helps to boost alertness. Many organizations invest in Nap pods for employees to get a power nap between work. In addition, many tech giants are turning their spaces into the naps room so that they can perform better. Power Naps calm our minds and increase alertness and productivity, so professional culture adopted this to their daily routine to increase employee productivity. Power naps have countless benefits for our bodies and health. Please check out how we can assume power naps to our daily routine.
Benefits of Power Naps
A good nap helps improve brain function, increase energy, and reduce stress developed throughout the day. There is an interval in a day that overcomes your feeling sleepy, and that interval in the night helps you to get sleep. So if you nap during the day, you can give your best after that interval with more energy and activeness. In addition, it helps to reset the trigger during the day because we have more work to do, saving our Time and introducing more power in our bodies. According to the research, people who get power naps during work are more alert, productive and can learn better.
Is Everyone needs a Nap?
No one needs a Nap during the day because everyone functions differently. For example, if you have insomnia, you don’t need a nap because if you rest during the day, you will feel that you don’t need sleep at night. It makes your conditions worse. If you are active enough during the day, you don’t need a nap because most healthy people with a great diet and physical activity are more energetic the whole day. Seven hours of sleep is necessary for everyone. Many people think their rest is fine, but studying sleep may teach you about many aspects of sleep. If you notice, you can process the information during the day, but later some hours, you feel like you need more Time to work.
In that situation, you need to take a nap to refuel your body by taking a good nap. According to the study, a rest of 20 minutes will recharge your body and improve your alertness, productivity, and mood. Don’t forget to set the alarm to wake up; otherwise, you can go beyond that Time. Sleep has its cycles Non-Rapid eye movement and rapid eye movement. It usually starts with lighter rest called Non-rapid eye movement, and later, it goes in a cycle called Rapid eye movement which is in a deeper sleep. Let’s discuss the things you require to get effective naps.
Nap Environment
Also Read: 5 Tips For Better Night Sleep You Should Know About
You need a Nap Environment to get a better nap, such as a Dark, Quiet, Cool Room which is ideal for the rest. If you can’t control these things while at work, consider wearing loose clothes or removing extra clothes, Using a sleep mask, and Putting DND on the door for a while.
Perfect Time
The perfect time to nap is between 1 PM and 3 PM. During that time, your body temperature drops slowly, and your sleep hormone rises gradually. So that is the best combination for sleep. But napping between 3 PM to 4 PM affects your night’s sleep.
Consuming Coffee before bed may sound wrong, but caffeine starts to hit the body after 20-30 minutes. After having it, you can have Coffee before going for a nap, so when you wake up, it will give you more alertness and energy.
Better Routine
Power helps you to make you’re routine better for your work shifts. Usually, people work around these hours, 9 to 5. Taking power naps during the transition makes our shift productive and makes our routine better.