What is Testosterone?
Testosterone is a hormone that is found in a human and animals. Testicles make testosterone in men’s bodies, and ovaries produce this Hormone in women’s bodies but in comparatively low. Production of this Hormone starts to increase during puberty and reduces after the 30s. This Hormone is connected to the sex drive and act-out a vital role in the production of sperm. It affects bone and muscle mass, fat storage, and red blood cell production in men’s bodies. It also affects our mood.
Men should avoid food that lowers testosterone levels. This Hormone is most important for men. You should maintain testosterone for muscle mass, strength, and a better sex drive. Men with a lower level of testosterone level in the body may suffer from heart problems, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and, most crucial lousy sex drive. So let’s discuss the foods men need to avoid.
Licorice Root

Licorice root is used in sweetened candies and beverages. It is a helpful natural medicine for many problems, from chronic pain to lousy cough. According to several studies on the Licorice root, it may influence hormone levels and decrease the testosterone level in the body. For example, a study shares that taking 7 grams of Licorice root daily may drop 26% of testosterone levels in just one week.
Prepackaged Food

Prepacked foods which contain Sodium, Sugar, and Calories, such as Frozen foods, Can foods, and prepackaged foods, are the primary source of trans fat. Trans fat is the reason for heart disease, diabetes, and inflammation. In addition, eating more prepackaged food leads to a reduction in the level of testosterone in the body. A study shows that those who eat more processed or prepacked food have 15% lower levels of testosterone comparatively.

Alcohol is great if you occasionally take a glass of wine on a dinner date or party. But excess of everything is bad; people who drink alcohol excessively could harm your testosterone level. Your testosterone level starts reducing when you intake alcohol regularly, especially if you’re men. A study says 30-40 grams of alcohol can reduce your testosterone level by 6.8% within three weeks. Alcohol works the opposite in girls, increasing testosterone levels if they drink more than 40 grams regularly.
Soya Products

Research and studies show that Soya products like Tofu and Soya Milk may reduce men’s testosterone levels. This is because soya foods contain high-volume phytoestrogens, mainly from plants that copy the effects of estrogen in our body by changing hormone levels and reducing testosterone levels. So men should avoid the soya should to avoid hormone issues.
Vegetable Oil

Some vegetable oil, such as Soybean oil, Canola oil, and cottonseed oil, are the source of fatty acids. These fatty acids are a healthy source of fat, but they may reduce the level of Testosterone. A study shows 12 man’s testosterone level is lower even though they are exercising regularly, but after studies came to know they are eating vegetable oils which may harm the levels of Testosterone. However, the study is limited, but you can try another oil in your meals to avoid such issues.
In Conclusion, the Level of your Testosterone is based on many things other than food, but a small change can change your life. Testosterone, for men, is the most important substance that helps them grow their minds and be active. Avoid these mentioned foods and starts physical activities with healthy eating. You can feel the difference in just one month. The results will surprise you. Adopt this healthy lifestyle and share your feedback if it works for you.