Yoga is a great ancient exercise that benefits our overall mental and physical health. It helps us to meditate and cleanse all Chakras. With the help of some easy yoga asanas, you can become more flexible and get rid of stiff muscles in your body. Talking about Yoga Asanas are physical postures for fitness, flexibility, strength, health, and stamina. One Yoga Practise, also known as Pranayama, helps improve the lungs’ power by cleaning the channels within one’s body and boosting our oxygen intake capacities.
Yoga practices contain various Yoga Mudras and Chakras, which help to rewire the brain and get us closer to “Moksha.” It has been found out that Yoga is essential if you want to win over your body and lean into God. Easy Yoga Asanas can give you a lot of benefits, such as:
- Boots your physical health
- Increase your immunity
- It helps you to think deeply with more concentration.
- Cleanse all the Chakras
- Make you calmer and relaxed, and so on.
What are Stiff Muscles and their effects on the body?
In simple words, stiff muscles mean tightened muscles, or when you feel difficulty moving your muscles, then it’s called stiff muscles. It happens after you rest. Sometimes, your muscles are tightened and complex, or you have difficulty moving them. This often causes pain, so we have come up with some easy yoga asanas that will help relieve stiff muscles and make your muscles more flexible.
Let’s discuss some easy yoga asanas that can help you be more flexible and remove stiff muscles from the body.
Cat Pose – Urdvha Mukhi / Adhomukhi Marjariasana

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Cat pose yoga is one of the easy yoga asanas that can help you become more flexible and remove stiff muscles from the body. It is also known as Urdvha Mukhi / Adhomukhi Marjariasana.
Steps for Cat Pose Yoga For More Flexibility
- Kneel to a cat position.
- Now Place your knees and palms under your shoulders.
- Inhale and arch your spine.
- Now exhale slowly and rotate your shoulders to face your navel.
By doing this position, you can warm up your spine. This cat poses yoga is one of the easy yoga asanas for more flexibility.
Downward Dog – Adhomukhi Svanasana

Downward Dog Yoga, also known as Adhomukhi Svanasana. As the name suggested, in this yoga practice, you have to do yoga in below looking dog position. This yoga will stress your lower back and the area of the spine and thus make them more flexible.
Steps for Downward Dog Yoga
- Start with the child pose.
- Your pelvis should be on your heels.
- And your forehead should be on the floor.
- Now press your feet to the floor to straighten your knees.
- And now, pelvis up so that your body can form a triangle shape
- Now make a comfortable distance between your palm and feet.
So that’s how you can perform these easy yoga asanas for more flexibility and remove stiff muscles.
Upward Facing Dog – Urdvha Mukhi Svanasana

This yoga practice is quite the opposite of Adhomukhi Svanasana and is also known as Urdvha Mukhi Svanasana. This is also an easy yoga pose for stiff muscles.
Steps for Upward Facing Dog Yoga For Stiff Muscles
- Start with lowering your pelvis and stomach.
- But consider not touching the floor from the bar.
- Now raise your upper body in the sky, including your chest, shoulders, and head.
- Now try to engage your back muscles in the same position by squeezing your hips.
- But take care your elbows should be straight and not blending.
Padahasthasana – Easy Yoga Asanas

Padahasthasana is also known as hand-to-foot yoga and is beneficial for stretching your lower back.
Steps for Padahasthasana
- Start with the Samasthithi
- Exhale slowly and start by bending your upper body down to the floor.
- Streat from your hips
- Now bring your nose close to your knees.
- Lastly, try to place both of your palms on your feet.
Raised-arms Pose

Raised arm pose yoga is also known as Hasta Uttanasana and is one of the easy yoga asanas for upper body flexibility and removing stiff muscles from the body.
Steps for Hasta Uttanasana – Raised-arms Pose
- Start with the standing position.
- Now stretch your arms in the sky above your head.
- Inhale and gently arch your head, neck, and upper back.
- Bend down with your upper body.
- Consider keeping your arms near your ears.
So these were some of the easy yoga asanas if you want to flexibly and get relief from stiff muscles. These are easy to practice, and there are other benefits to yoga. Such as, you will get a positive, calm, and relaxed mindset, and yoga will boost your body and make you more potential and practical. You will like all the solutions coming straight to you.
Please feel free to let us know which yoga pose has helped you to get relief from stiff muscles and how?