India has again started witnessing a spike in COVID-19 cases. As per the data, Delhi has recorded 115 new Covid-19 cases, having a positive rate of 7.45 percent as on 27 March 2023—further active cases in Uttar Pradesh has been 3x within the last ten days.
As per the data analysis, it has been found that the number of districts having a weekly TPR – Test positivity Rate of around 10% has increased to 32 across fourteen states and UTs, which means a 3.5-fold rise within just two weeks.
XBB.1.16 Could Be The Reason Behind the Spike of COVID-19

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As per the experts, it’s the new Covid-19 variant XBB.1.16 behind the increase in cases. Further, experts say that this new variant is having growth advantage of 140% over the earlier version of XBB.1.5, and it has also stated that XBB.1.16 is far more aggressive than the older one and faster than XBB.1.9.
How Is It Different From Other COVID-19 Variants?

As per UK Health Security Agency, XBB.1.16 Covid-19 Variant is linage with three additional spike mutations, including E180V, K478R, and S486P. Now all the eyes are on India. Suppose the dangerous Covid variant is successful in spreading in the Indian Population, which has overcome the effects of other variants such as BA.2.75, BA.5, BQs, and XBB.1.5. In that case, other countries should also be worried about the latest Covid-19 wave.
Common symptoms of the new COVID variant

As per the research, it has been found that the symptoms of new covid-19 variants are similar to the covid 19 symptoms of other variants during the third wave in India between January and March last year, which includes:
- Fever
- Cold
- Sore throat
- Body aches
- Headache and
- Fatigue
Besides these symptoms, it could also impact your digestive system.
Hospitalizations remain low

As per the research, even though the cases due to new Covid-19 variants are on a spike, there is still a little rush of covid patients. And still, there has not been any sign of any severity due to this dangerous and highly transmissible disease.
Tips to prevent From COVID-19 New Variant

Hygiene is vital in helping someone from being infected with this disease. However, To avoid being infected with this new covid variant, follow these tips,
- Avoid going into crowded places,
- Wear maks while going outside,
- Carry a hand sanitizer which should include 60% alcohol, and use it now and then,
- Properly wash your hand with soap before eating anything or coming home from outside,
So by following the above-said measures, you will be able to lower the risk of infection due to the new variant. Take care of one thing, stay far from people having a respiratory infection. Also, if you find any Covid symptoms within you, immediately isolate yourself and consult your doctor to avoid the further spreading of the variant and proper treatment.