It may seem weird, but some fruits and vegetables should not be peeled as they are a great source of fiber, which is beneficial for Gut Health. It may seem usual not to peel carrots, but if I say you should also eat Kiwi Fruit with its skin? What will be your reaction? A Big No? Yes, I got it, but do you know, as per the various studies, the skins of different food items are a great source of fiber?
But there are chances that 31% of the fiber is in your dustbin, and you are throwing the nutrients that may help you digest or balance your blood sugars. It would help if you had a little guidance on adequately using the nutrients available in vegetables and fruits daily. With the help of experts, we have made a list of some fruits and vegetables you should eat without peeling to boost your Gut Health.

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Potato skin contains 30-40% of fiber, so it will not be a good idea to through this amount of fiber in your dustbin. With that, it also plays the part of antioxidants for your body. So whenever you make anything using potatoes like potato chips, baked potatoes, or roasted potatoes, don’t peel them off. Just wash them properly to remove the dust and go for your meal.
Now, if you think you must peel off the potato, then you can do one thing: keep the skin separate, use some olive oil and salt, and bake the same in the oven to enjoy delicious and fiber-packed potato skin chips and boost your Gut Health. Use some guacamole with them for more delight.
The same rule goes for sweet potatoes; they are easy to use because they contain less dirt than potatoes.
Kiwi’s Skin For Better Gut Health

Yes, it may seem weird, but Kiwi Fruit’s skin consists of 50% fiber and is very helpful for boosting gut health. So without any hesitation, you should start eating the fruit like you eat apples. remember to peel down the rough ends. Also, make the furry texture smoother by washing it in running water before eating the kiwi fruit.

As per studies, it has been found that 40% of the fiber of Apples remains in their skin. So don’t peel off the skin and eat an apple. Just wash it with running water and clean it with a clean cloth to boost your gut health.
You can also keep the apple skin for the apple pie. You should also note that apple skin is not only a great source of fiber but also has various antioxidants and pectin, which help remove toxins from the body and make digestion smoother.

Do you know that broccoli’s stems are an excellent fiber source than the florets? But most people do what? They threw them off into dustbins and thus wasted a high source of fiber.
So make them valid and cut any brown part at the end of them and then chop the stems and bake as you do with florets and make delicious foods and thus stop yourself wasting a valuable source of fiber which could help you in boosting your gut health.

Do you know the green part of a cucumber and the seeds presented in cucumber are a significant part of fiber and chlorophyll, which are beneficial for gut health? So do not peel the cucumber. Wash, chop and go for your tasty and healthy salad.

The skin of most pumpkins is edible, but if your pumpkin has more tough skin or your recipe needs peeled pumpkin, you can do one thing. Just keep the skin separate and wash it, chop it, and now you can roast it with olive oil or salt or go with barbeque. Further, you can use the same with your Pumpkin Pie.

It may seem like some bitterness while eating carrots without peeling them off but trust me. They are a great source of fiber and other nutrients for your gut health. So wash them properly in running water and cut down the dirty parts of the carrot. Now eat it in whatever form you like, either raw or cooked.
So next time, whenever you peel your fruits or vegetables, take care of your gut health and the heap of protein you are going to through in your dustbin. If you find our article helpful and informative, please share your thoughts.