There are so many diet programs in the fitness industry that it has crowded with them. It becomes a struggle for beginners or those looking for a new diet program which one they should opt for. Everyone should know that every person has a different set of metabolism, and the diet that suits your friend doesn’t need to fit you too. Another thing that demands attention is analyzing the purpose you are adopting a diet. For instance, a keto diet might be good for weight loss, but it can worsen if you already suffer from high cholesterol levels.

Therefore, we have compiled a list of the 5 best diet programs that can serve you with different benefits. They will ease the pathway for choosing the best diet for your targeted reason.
1. Carb Restricted Diet: Best For Diabetes
This diet program restricts carbohydrates in one’s diet to maintain low sugar levels within the body. If you have Type-2 Diabetes and want to control this situation, then go for this diet.

In this diet program, as mentioned above, one restricts carbs use and relies on protein and fats. It will help lower glucose production within the body; thus, the need for insulin will also diminish, and Diabetes will remain at controlled levels. Diet is the main factor in Diabetes, and having control over it will surely help. If you want instant and long-lasting effects, eliminate carbs from your diet rather than lower the proportion intake. It will initially seem challenging, but it is better than diabetes.

2. DASH Diet: Best For Heart Health
The DASH diet program treats hypertension and prevents other severe heart conditions. However, in some results, considerable levels of weight loss are also noticed. A person has to survive on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins in this diet. While red meat, processed food, added sugars, and salt intake are avoided.

It may also prove fruitful for those people who are lately suffering from high sodium levels. This is an effective treatment and requires a minimal lifestyle change. It eliminates the risk of heart strokes and heart attacks by eliminating the bad cholesterol from the body.

Therefore, if you are looking forward to maintaining your heart health, go for this one. This one is mostly recommended for people who have heart problems or are old. If you are looking forward to adopting this diet, there are several books and guides available all over the market and the internet that can help you undertake a DASH diet program.
3. Pescatarian Diet: Best For Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a common condition nowadays and has no proper treatment, and one way to control and treat this ailment is by having control over your diet. For this purpose, you can try a pescatarian diet program.

A pescatarian diet program involves eating seafood and plant-based food. It is like going vegetarian but still eating seafood. Now it is your choice to go vegan or vegetarian, but if you have an extensive budget, we suggest you go vegan because veganism is an expensive choice.

Through a series of studies, it has been found that pescatarians can fight efficiently against hypothyroidism, and it can help in weight loss too. The selenium in seafood can help with thyroid hormone conditions, and eating seafood can also help deal with iodine deficiencies. Plus, people adopting a pescatarian diet typically have low blood pressure, and the risk of having diabetes and metabolic syndrome is less frequent as compared to non-vegetarians.
4 Keto Diet: Good For Weight Loss
However, the keto diet program is a subsequent type of carb-restricted diet, with the only difference being that in this diet program, carbs are not entirely eliminated from the diet. Instead, the proportion of carb intake is restricted, and it lies between 30g-50g per day.

One has to rely on a significant proportion of fats and a moderate amount of proteins with minimal carbs intake while following this diet. This is a low-carb fad diet that restricts glucose use by reducing its levels in the body and shifts the metabolism to “ketosis,” in which the body runs on fats (ketones) as fuel; thanks to this ketogenic state, weight loss instantly occurs.

Although this is a tough one, still with a bit of dedication, you can undertake this journey, and the results will be pretty instant. But if you are suffering from cholesterol, then go for healthy fats and ask your doctor before starting this diet;
5. Mediterranean Diet: A Healthy Lifestyle
If you are looking forward to maintaining a healthy lifestyle with some diet help, then go for this one. The Mediterranean is a more comfortable diet that slowly promotes weight loss. Still, if you want your lifestyle healthy and look forward to maintaining your weight, nothing is better than the Mediterranean diet program.

In this diet, one has to take a significant proportion of vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, legumes, and whole grains, while a minor intake of dairy products, poultry, fish, sugar, and red meat is bearable. So this diet does not restrict you to anything; it demands a check and balance over your proportion intake. Also, eating whole foods is promoted in this diet, while eating processed foods is usually avoided but can be considered occasionally.

This diet is good for maintaining weight loss and prevents many other diseases like heart disease and Diabetes.
These were some of the best diet programs that one can adapt to quickly. Tell us your favorite one in the comment section. We would love to hear from you.
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