Green Tea is made from leaves known as the Camellia sinensis plant (Tea Plant). It is native to China but is now grown and consumed in many countries worldwide. The benefits of Green tea are famous worldwide, which are thought to be due to the high levels of antioxidants in the tea leaves. When brewed, green tea has a light, slightly bitter taste and a yellow or light green color. It is traditionally consumed without milk or sweeteners, but some people like to add honey or lemon to their green tea. Here are some benefits of green tea:
1. Green Tea helps to reduce Anxiety.
According to Study in 2010 about green tea, Camellia sinensis leaves have Catechins and L-theanine compounds. Catechins are a kind of antioxidant that is highly present in green tea. As a result, it improves our brain functions, improves mood, and reduces stress. L-theanine is an amino acid that is found in green tea and also helps in the reduction of stress and improves sleep.

2. Green Tea repairs damaged skin.
Green tea has a high concentration of antioxidants, which helps protect our skin and repair our skin cells. It helps the production of collagen, a protein that gives you more elasticity and young skin. Green tea is blessed with such properties which care for our skin from these.
- Skin Irritation
- Skin Redness
- Acne
- Early Aging
- Dry Skin

3. Green Tea helps in weight loss.
Green Tea has an active compound called catechins, which increases our body’s metabolism. Metabolism refers to the process of converting food & drinks into Energy. Green tea may increase the efficiency of this process which helps us lose weight even though resting or sleeping. Regular exercise and a healthy diet help in fat loss, but when we add green tea to our daily diet and a healthy routine, the results are speechless. Even doctors recommend 3-5 cups of green tea daily.

4. Green Tea helps against cancer.
Green Tea is made from the dry leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which contains a polyphenols chemical compound. Polyphenols may help to prevent DNA from getting damaged. According to a study, antioxidants found in green tea fight against cancer and stop them from growing, and recovery for those patients comparatively fast who are taking green tea in their daily routine.

5. Green Tea improves brain function.
Green Tea helps us to reduce stress and improve brain functions. Green tea has caffeine which feels it active and productive. Caffeine blocks adenosine from entering the mind to stay awake and mentally active. Green tea is better than other drinks or beverages because green tea has less amount of caffeine and no side effects such as jitteriness. According to a study, A test was conducted with 1000 Japanese People at age 70 or older. In the test, every participant performs well in memory ability, orientation, ability to follow commands, and attention. According to research, they often have green tea in their daily routine.

6. Green Tea improves heart function.
Green Tea has an active compound of polyphenols which helps to break plaques and avoid dangerous heart blockage. According to a study, people who drink at least 5 cups of green tea a day have 26% less risk of heart attacks than ordinary people. Green tea dissolves dangerous plaques in our blood vessels to reduce the risk of strokes; it also improves our heart health and lowers our blood pressure.

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