5 Simple Memory-Boosting Hacks – Everyone forgets something sometimes because it is not easy to remember everything. But what if you forgot the essential thing? Or are you in a habit of forgetting the necessary things every time? This might be so frustrating for you. So today, in this article, we will focus on some more straightforward but effective memory-boosting hacks which will help you enhance your memory so that you can never feel embarrassed or frustrated because you have forgotten something important.
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These memory-boosting hacks will be so simple that you must make little changes in your lifestyle pattern to benefit from these tips. You don’t have to do a complex task or something else, and just a few little lifestyle changes will be enough to sharper your mind. First, let’s understand how our mind works and why we forget things.
What is Forgetfulness?
Let’s understand how our memories work. Memory is a function of our brain, which stores information to use later as and when required. Without this function, we cannot perform the necessary things like calculating, reading, writing, and logical thinking. Not only this, but without the function of memory, even speaking, understanding, observing, thinking, and planning tasks will not be possible.
But when you feel like your memory system is not working fine in storing and retrieving the information, then it’s called Forgetfulness. Your Emmery system is not working, and you need to work on this. This article will tell you about some of the more straightforward yet effective memory-boosting hacks that will enable you to store more information quickly and retrieve it quickly as and when required.
Symptoms of Forgetfulness
Before coming to the the memory-boosting hacks, let’s understand the symptoms of memory complaints. Everyone forgets at some time, and there is also a difference in how one process memory. One may have more extended memory and be able to remember things for a long time than other ones. But when you feel like forgetting things for a long time, and it becomes usual for you, there might be a problem of memory complaint or decline. These are some of the symptoms of Forgetfulness.
- Difficult to come up with names
- Forget appointments
- Forgetting events of short or long ago
- Always lost things
- Be confused with days
So these are some of the symptoms of forgetfulness, but how does this situation arise? Memory is the function of the brain, located in the brain, and there are various other functions of the brain. Memory is divided into three parts:
Sensory memory
All the information comes through the sensor memory using the ears and the eyes. The information disappears after seconds, and some go to the next short-term memory.
Short Term Memory
In short-term memory, only a limited part of the information is kept for a short term, like for a few minutes. As new information is being added here and due to the limited capacity, old memory can be disappeared from here. But if the memory here processes in reputation or links with the older memory, it can go to the long-term memory.
Long-Term Memory:
This is permanent and long-term memory storage. Here you can recall any information as and when required.
So that’s how memory works. Now the question arises what leads to the decline in memory? Memory decline can be happened due to the lack of social interaction or loneliness. So if you are declining your memory, here are some more straightforward memory-boosting hacks for you.
Simpler Memory-Boosting Hacks
Fifteen-second rule
Scientists have researched memory, and most agreed that there are two types of memories, short-term and long-term. But short-term memory is concise, and we can say that the information can remain in short-term memory for not more than 18 seconds until you have not done anything to move it to your long-term memory.
We can take an instance of a mobile number, you can remember a mobile number only for 18 seconds, so you have to write it down before that. If not, then it will be disappeared from your short-term memory. So here, the fifteen-second rule comes. As per this one of the effective memory-boosting hacks, you must repeat the phone number every 15 seconds until you find a medium to note it down. Whether you have a notebook or your mobile phone, that’s how you can note that number, and if you repeat the number every 15 seconds, it will also help move the number to your long-term memory so you can remember it for a long time.
Turn everything off/down/away.
Yes, you heard it right. When working on some task, you need to be less distracted. So turn off everything extra that is around you. Either it is calming instrumental music or anything else because the outer noises have a very significant impact on our memory.
If you are in contact with these types of outer noises, a small part of your brain will try to perceive what other things are, so you may not be able to fully concentrate on what you are doing. So if you want to do your work correctly, you need to follow this one of the best memory-boosting hacks and work in a noise-free place, turn off your notifications, and don’t plug in music or any sound that forces your mind to focus elsewhere.
Linming means connecting things, and it is one of the effective memory-boosting hacks that work better with shorter information. Here you have to make connections between the things to remember the information through a story. Still, when your story goes long, or you have created multiple stories to remember the information, then there are chances that you can forget one or two of your stories, so that this method will work well for short information. Still, for long you might find it somehow inconvenient.
Situation sketches
Sometimes you have to remember the whole situation to remember one thing. That you often remember, but it is not coming to your tongue at a specific time. In that case, you can follow this one of the adequate memory-boosting hacks.
For instance, we take an example of a song you must listen to that evening. But now you don’t remember the name of the song. So try to remember the whole evening, like what you have seen that evening, what you have drunk and how the environment was. Sometimes memories are connected, and when you remember one, another also comes to mind. So picturing the whole situation can also play a vital role in remembering things.
Maybe it is like some fantasy, but this is also one of the effective memory-boosting hacks which can help you remember things better because our sense organs work more on our unconscious than on our conscious. We can take an example of an exam. For instance, if you are studying for the exam, now put a scent on yourself, the same one you will use on your exam time.
So when you are doing your exam, your sense will allow you to remember the things you have studied when having the same scent. So the environment also has an impact on our memory. Hopefully, with the fragrances, you will be able to remember things. If not, there is no bad thing about that. Your fellow beings will enjoy the fragrances of your scent instead of the sweat from your body.
So these are some of the most straightforward memory-boosting hacks. If you adopt them in your life, it will guarantee you a long-lasting memory. But sometimes things are too big to list goes, on really too large, then it becomes impossible to remember all. But in any case, if you follow these memory-boosting hacks, as mentioned above, regularly, you can surely enhance your memory. As practice is the key, regular practice will surely lead you to memory enhancement.
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