Pregnancy yoga poses are something any woman might search for over the internet after getting pregnant. Yoga is prescribed as one of the safest exercises to try out during the pregnancy period. Yoga tends to better your physical condition, but it also affects the practitioner’s mental state and is equally a spiritual practice. And science has also concluded that yoga is beneficial for both the mother and the child and plays a role in making the baby healthy. Therefore yoga is one of the safest and most helpful exercises that are indeed worth giving a try.

Women usually undergo many physical and mental changes during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Her hormonal levels are going low to high from time to time, and then there is the notorious back pain that attacks most women during this period, and even the slightest mistake in balancing and working can cost a lot to the baby’s health. Therefore, one has to be careful while searching for their ideal pregnancy yoga poses.

Here we have brought some of the best pregnancy yoga poses that are worth giving a try if you are going through a gestation period and looking forward to maintaining your and your child’s health. They are not only safe to practice, but they also prove to be advantageous.
#1 The Easy Pose
During pregnancy, you must be much more careful when choosing yoga poses. You should select pregnancy yoga poses that do not put your lower belly area in a compromise. All the twists and belly bends should be avoided as such poses can interfere with the womb. One of the best pregnancy poses to try out in this regard is the ‘Easy Pose’ In Sanskrit, known as “Sukhasana.” This posey intends to benefit physical health and positively affect the mother’s mental condition.

How does this Pregnancy Yoga Pose benefit?
This pose is easy, an opener for the hips, and relieves the practitioner. It is practiced to bring harmony and peace to mind and aids in soothing the body’s hormonal levels. And once the woman’s mind has gained stability and tranquility through this pose, the womb’s blood flow also stabilizes. Therefore this pregnancy yoga pose or asana is right to try if you are lately suffering from stress and frequent mood swings during your gestation period. It will relieve stress, and if you practice this pregnancy yoga pose frequently, it may serve as an excellent opener for tight hips, further aiding in making childbirth easier and less painful.
- Sit on a mat, preferably the yoga mat, and cross your legs in front of you so that the right or left leg is on the other leg.
- Sit on your pelvis properly balanced, and your weight should not be shifted on either side.
- Relax your hands on the knees and pull your arms to draw length from the spine.
- Sit straight, and you can even give your back support to the wall; if you feel too tired or are at the end of the third trimester.
- Relax your mind and focus your gaze at one point. At this point, your mind must be blank and relaxed. You can even close your eyes if you want.
- Now hold your breath from time to time for intense 5 minutes.
- Shift your legs in the opposite position, and repeat the procedure.

This pregnancy yoga pose compliments its name for being super comfortable and basic. You can practice this pose any time but preferably practice it as your morning exercise as it helps you stay in good vibes for the rest of the day.
#2 Cow & Cat Pose
Another excellent pregnancy yoga pose is the cow and cat pregnancy yoga pose. It is also known as the ‘Unicorn and Rainbow pose.’ In Sanskrit, it is more commonly called “Marjaiasana.” This pose is targeted to resolve back pain and strengthens the lower abdomen.

How does this Pregnancy Yoga Pose benefit?
This pregnancy yoga pose, as described above, is targeted to relieve back pain and maintain flexibility. Physicians often prescribe this pregnancy yoga pose to help the woman if she experiences “back labor.” This pose is also believed to act as a tension-reliever as your body feels calm and relaxed after doing the cow and cat stretching.
- Start this pose on all of your fours on a mat. Keep your hand and knees hip-apart at an equal distance.
- The first step is to gaze at the sky with the collarbone, breastbone, and tailbone staring at the sky or the ceiling, just like a cat stretching out. In this step, inhale or hold your breath. Last, this posture for about 5-10 seconds.
- Now relax your body and form an arc with your body just like a rainbow and hold your gaze and breastbone downward and exhale the held breath.
- Repeat this procedure as long as your body allows.

This pregnancy yoga pose can be done daily as a part of your morning exercise routine. It will help resolve the back pains most women usually suffer during the third trimester. Besides the excellent blood flow, if you suffer from swelling or aches in the ankle, knees, or feet, this pregnancy yoga pose is a great way to resolve them.
#3 Legs Up the Wall Pose
This pregnancy yoga pose is more often called “Viparata Karani” in Sanskrit, another great exercise. During the end of the second trimester of your gestation period, there is a time when you no longer want to sit on your back, and even a slight weight feels a lot to take on, especially in the lower abdomen as the womb delivers its entire pressure there. Therefore, for such times, this exercise is a way to go.
How does this Pregnancy Yoga Pose benefit?
This pregnancy yoga pose helps direct the blood flow back to the heart; therefore, it is a great stress reliever. Also, it helps to relieve tension in the lower back. But one of the best points regarding this pregnancy yoga pose is that you will feel great practicing it as it will shift the weight and tension from your spine to the legs.

- Lie near the wall in such a way that your pelvis touches the wall.
- Raise your legs and rest them against the wall so that your hips, calves, and both heels rest against the wall.
- Now try to relax and rest both your arms over your belly.
- Breathe in and out.
- Stay in this position for 3-4 minutes. However, you can adjust the practicing period according to your health.
This pregnancy yoga pose is a great one to try out during the end of the third trimester, as it will allow gravity to direct the blood flow back to the heart and help relieve all of your back, knee, and ankle pains.
#4 Garland Pose
Known as “Malasana” in Sanskrit is one of the pregnancy yoga poses that will also be beneficial during labor. Labor is undoubtedly tricky, especially if it is the first time you are into it. But fortunately, there are some exercises and methods that you can try to make the labor easier, less painful, and quicker. And this pregnancy yoga pose is one of them.

How does this Pregnancy Yoga Pose benefit?
As mentioned above, this pregnancy yoga pose is dedicated to making labor easier as it aids in opening up the tight hips. This pose tones the inner thighs, like preparing your pelvis and body for labor. Besides that, this pregnancy yoga pose is intended to bring balance and tranquility to the body. And there is a time during this gestation period when a woman usually feels a lot of pressure and tension between the thighs. Against that tension, this pregnancy yoga pose is a great practice.
- Stand on your yoga mat with your legs several feet apart.
- Start lowering your pelvis to the floor and bend down the knees. Do it slowly, as it will be hard to reach the balance; therefore, it is better to take it slow. The ankles will bend out a bit, but it is customary. But if you find too much pressure on your ankles, stand straight and try again.
- But if it is too difficult for you to sit on your knees, you can keep a ball under and sit on it and do the exercise.
- Once you are on your knees, join your hands in a prayer position, and relax.
- Straighten your shoulders and try to pull your neck upwards, allowing a distance between the neck and the face.
- Now try to inhale and exhale the breath deeply. Be in this pose as long as your body allows and feels comfortable.

This pregnancy yoga pose is suitable for the first and second trimesters. This asana might feel a bit tiresome, and you can face some balancing issues during the third trimester as it is hard to sit on your knees with a proper balance during that period. But if you are comfortable with this pregnancy yoga pose even in the third trimester, it is safe and beneficial to try out.
#5 Lateral Stretching Pose
During pregnancy, it is normal for a woman to have difficulty breathing or run out of breath, especially during the end days when her weight suddenly rises to extreme levels, and she has to carry a mature baby inside the womb. This is the time when a woman mostly feels stressed out. Then for such times, this lateral stretching pose is a great pregnancy yoga pose to exercise.

How does this Pregnancy Yoga Pose benefit?
This pregnancy yoga pose is great to try out when you are running out of your breath or going through stress. This pose is supposed to let you breathe deeper through your lungs and relieve the ribs’ tension.
- Stand on a yoga mat with your legs several feet apart, allowing an apart distance between the upper area of your thighs.
- Now raise your arms in the air and join your hands.
- Now move your hands first on the right side and let your body follow the arms and stretch’s lead.
- Stay in that position for about five seconds and try to relax and breathe deeply during that period.
- Repeat the procedure for the left side and stay in the pose for five seconds.
- After stretching on both sides, stand straight, join your legs together, and stay in that pose for another five seconds.
- Repeat the entire exercise.
You should do this asana for about 5-10 minutes during pregnancy. This pregnancy yoga pose will help you lower the frequency of your mood swings and let the stress and tension out of your body.
But above all, it is a point of consideration that every woman goes through a different pregnancy experience; therefore, if you don’t feel comfortable trying out any of the above pregnancy yoga poses, try out some of those you feel comfortable with. Except for your comfort zone, all the pregnancy mentioned above yoga poses is safe for a woman to try out during her gestation period.
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